The QuadNet Array - D-STAR, DMR and C4FM Fusion II Done Your Way!
Our Mission Statement
The QuadNet Multi-mode Digital Amateur Radio Network is dedicated to advancements in interoperability of digital voice (DV) networks. We are interested in all forms of DV available to the ham radio operator and have implemented connections to most of them. The only thing constant about QuadNet is that it is constantly being added to, changed and improved. QuadNet is open to all hams and all hams will always be welcome anywhere in our network. Please see our Code of Conduct regarding what we provide and what we expect of you while using our network.
Our History is Rooted in D-Star
QuadNet started as an open ircDDB routing network that doesn't require registration. We contend that valid Amateur Radio license is enough to operate on the QuadNet IRC Network. We do not require a special club or repeater call sign for use on the network. As long as the call sign is valid and being legally used, we fully support your use of dongles, hotspots and repeaters (both homebrew and ICOM) on the QuadNet network. The purpose of QuadNet is to support routing. Routing is an alternate method of connecting to other D-Star users. Routing does NOT require your gateway to know the IP addresses of reflectors or repeaters to which you want to connect. You use special routing callsigns in the UR field (YOURCALL) of your radio (instead of the usual CQCQCQ) and QuadNet figures out how to get your signal to the proper destination.
For a long time, it has been understood that you can't route when you are using a mobile rig (like a hot-spot that uses a cellphone for its Internet connection) because routing uses port 40000. Well, here at QuadNet, we have solved that. You can Group Route to any Smart Group, whether you are operating from your home, or you are operating a mobile rig!
QuadNet Nets
The Medical Amateur Radio Council holds their MARCO International Net every Sunday at 09:00AM Eastern (USA) for discussion regarding health care related topics among members and guests from the ham radio community. This MARCO net on the Quadnet Array augments MARCO's HF-based nets and provides a mechanism for members and guests worldwide to join discussions without the limitations of HF propagation. MARCO promotes good will and fellowship among amateur radio operators across the globe who are professionals in the healing arts, or who have an interest in the various medical, dental and allied fields which constitute the healing arts. On-the-air network operation is considered an integral part of MARCO activity, and is conducted for the purpose of discussing and exchanging medical and technical information, and, wherever possible, to be of public service by engaging current issues in health care of importance in round table discussion.
The QCWA D-STAR Net happens every Sunday night at 5:00 PM US eastern time (21:00 UTC DST; 22:00 UTC standard). Net control will be Daryl, N5VLZ. One does not have to be part of the Quarter Century Wireless Association to check in.
The Young Operators Digital Voice Net happens every Sunday night at 7:00 PM US eastern time (23:00 UTC DST; 00:00 UTC standard). Net control will be Danielle KE8JNU, she's a young teenager now and has been running this net for a number of years! This net is geared toward topics of interest for school age young people, either licensed or 3rd party with a licensed operator present. But even though this is focused on younger operators, all are welcome to participate. The goal is to enhance discussion of ideas while fostering the development of operating principles and techniques for young people.
The Pun In Life Net will start at 9 PM Central, (02:00 UTC DST, 03:00 UTC standard), Net Control will be Daryl Stout, N5VLZ, phonetically "Needling Five Vocally Laden Zingers". He is a past participant in the World Championship Pun Off at the O. Henry Museum in Austin, Texas, where the humor was drier than the Sahara Desert. For the net, the pun humor doesn't have to be ham radio related, but it must be basically G-rated.
Join us on the Quadnet at 3am Eastern 00:00 Pacific(US/Can) (07:00 UTC) for the Night Owls Net. This net is geared to the amateur who is up at that hour in the US/Canada for whatever reason. International check-ins are very welcome and encouraged to join regardless of what time zone you are in. The net at this time is in a rag-chew format, However net topics or suggestion's can be sent to W1JOP or if you have access to the HamShack hotline he can be reached at 5635.
The Amateur Astronomy Digital Voice Net happens every Wednesday evening at 9:00 PM US eastern time (01:00 UTC DST; 02:00 UTC standard). Net control will be Jason N8XE. This net is focused on amateur astronomy topics such as observing, imaging, telescope making, telescopes, binoculars, an other general astronomy topics. If you are an active amateur astronomer, or just enjoy looking up at the heavens, please join the conversation. The first Wednesday of every month will focus on those who are new to amateur astronomy or looking to get started.
The Ham Nation After Show Net happens every Wednesday evening at 10:00 PM US eastern time (02:00 UTC DST; 03:00 UTC standard). Any and all licensed amateur radio operators are welcome to join us to talk about topics covered during the show. Net control stations are Andrew WA8LIV, Craig KC8VJK and Steve K8SAS. Ham Nation Website
The K5TAL - TALARC Net happens every Thursday evening at 7:00 PM US central time (23:00 UTC DST; 00:00 UTC standard). K5TAL is the club call of American Legion Post 1992, Gautier-Vancleave, MS. TALARC is the American Legion Amateur Radio Club. All hams are invited to check into the net and you do not have to be a veteran to check in. Operated as a means to communicate with other vets/hams regardless of the DV mode they have.
The Trains Net happens every Friday at 8:00 PM eastern time (00:00 UTC DST, 01:00 UTC standard). Net control will be Daryl Stout, N5VLZ. It will discuss anything and everything related to trains and railroading, along with a railroad trivia question.
The Multi Mode Digital Voice Net run by Jeff VE6DV happens every Saturday at 4:00 PM US mountain time (22:00 UTC DST; 23:00 UTC standard). If you can't make it to the net live, you can catch a recording of the previous weeks net at Soundcloud. If you are a Facebook user, check out the D-STAR Users group and join in on the discussion there.
The QuadNet Array
The QuadNet Array consists of the following linked reflectors, routed Smart Groups, DMR and C4FM:
QuadNet Smart Groups
- DSTAR1 located in New York
D-STAR Reflectors:
- XRF757 A is a D-Star only reflector in Georgia
- URF307 A is a transcoding reflector in Wyoming
- URF587 A is a transcoding reflector in Alabama
- System X in Georgia.
- System X in Ohio.
- System X in Oregon.
- System X in Texas.
- System X in California.
- DMRGateway to URF307
- DMR+ Reflector 4541 at
System X is the latest open-source DMR server based on FreeDMR+, which is derived from HB_Link.
YSF Reflector
- Reflector name: US QuadNet Array, number 35947.
US C4FM NA YCS310 Server
- DG-ID 80
Instructions for using the QuadNet Array can be found on the getting started page.

Some Important Preliminaries
Be sure to look at the routing FAQ for a more detailed description of Routing. Make sure you get to the bottom line: If you don't want to do routing, you don't need QuadNet.
Refer to the getting started page for detailed configuration information.
Please only connect one system to QuadNet at a time. Also refrain from running multiple systems from the same IP address. Think of the QuadNet network as a telephone directory that has a unique IP address for everyone (and everything) that is logged in. If two different logins point to the same IP address your end will probably have trouble getting the addressed data to the correct node. Also, if a user has multiple logins from different IP addresses, the QuadNet server won't necessarily route your data to the proper IP address.
Finally, it has been reported that some gateway software can inadvertently send incoming routed data to linked systems and this can be a real problem. In the routing world of QuadNet, if you need to link to a reflector, you should instead route to a group that is linked to the desired reflector. For example QNET20 C is always linked to XRF757 C. It is always a great idea to unlink from all reflectors and repeaters when you are using routing!
Supported devices
Homebrew D-STAR Repeaters
- ICOM D-STAR Repeater stacks
- DV Dongle
- ThumbDV
- DVAP Dongle
- DVMega
- All Pi-Star Based Hardware
New capabilities are coming out on almost a daily basis.
Software compatible with Quadnet
There are far too many packages to list here. Google or Bing can be your friend in finding new packages coming out all the time. If you are new to this, we can recommend PiStar. PiStar supports a variety of small, single board computers, including the popular Raspberry Pi as well as most of the devices listed above. With a Web interface, PiStar is easy to configure and run. There are also links to YouTube videos on the PiStar Website showing how to set up and use PiStar. PiStar with a DVMega is an extremely popular combination and give you a true multimode repeater/hot spot. Routing on D-STAR is fully supported for both the DStarRepeater and the MMDVMHost!
Of course you can build your own system from the ground up. If you are interested in a multimode repeater/hot spot, a great place to start is Jonathan Naylor's MMDVM Git repository. This repository is in very active development and only experienced builders will be able to complete all the requirements necessary to build a system from scratch. A DStar-only repeater or hot spot can be built from Jonathan's older, but still popular DStarRepeater+IRCDDBGateway software and is available on Hans DL5DI's OpenDV repository. Again this takes some skill and tinkering to complete.
Our own N7TAE has a new system called QnetGateway that supports MMDVM and that can be easily built on a Raspberry Pi. see the N7TAE QnetGateway repository. If you have never built up a system from scratch before, this is a fun place to start, and, of course, QnetGateway fully supports routing! To gain inside information about QnetGateway, join the QnetGateway at
The QuadNet Group also offer help with your setup or help with troubleshooting when problems occur. The contact us page has several ways for you to reach out.
73 and have fun with D-STAR!